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BugFix & Update: jSAVF 1.40

An user reported that one large SAVF of his could not be opened by jSAVF. After investigation it appears that one of the SAVF index items was too big and split by the iSeries into several additional ones, which jSAVF didn't know how to handle. I am unsure whether this is due to the recent version of the OS the SAVF was made on (V7R3), but now jSAVF can handle such SAVF.

I have also changed the way jSAVF is released to keep up to date with the new Java versions.

jSAVF is now compiled against Java 11, and requires such an environment to run. I recommend using OpenJDK 11 instead of Oracle's commercial version of Java 11 due to changes in Java licensing.

jSAVF will be available in two formats:

  • An archive including the JAR files for each of jSAVF module or dependency, and a script to help start it for Windows or Linux.
  • An NSIS Installer for Windows (x64), which includes the jSAVF modules and dependencies, and the minimal modular image of OpenJDK to run it, built using jlink.

So the choice really comes down to whether you want to install the Java environment yourself or not.

If you encounter any trouble with this jSAVF version or cannot open a SAVF with it, don't hesitate to report it to me.