I've added a source file exporter to jSAVF, which is available with a right click on objects of type *FILE with the PF attribute and which contain source members (ex: QCBLLESRC, QCLLESRC, QCLESRC, QRPGLESRC, QSQLLESRC, ...).
This feature allows you to display in a spool or extract to files the contents of one or more source members of a physical file inside an AS-400's SAVF.
Three export formats are available depending on what you plan to do with the sources: CSV, flat source file, and source file text. The first two formats include all three source format fields: the source (SRCSEQ), the line modification date (SRCDAT) and the line content (SRCDTA). The last format only includes the text from SRCDTA without trailing whitespace.
After handling this kind of object the data files will probably be the next to become exportable in a future version.
If you encounter any trouble displaying a source file inside a SAVF don't hesitate to tell me about it.