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BugFix: DriveSort

Whoops, found two of them... One in the physical disk backup code (right button on a HD icon in the open disk dialog, not the same as partition sectors backup in the Disk menu), which didn't allow the backups to start anywhere else than at sector 0. The other one was a minor problem with the dragging code in the file list (Unknown file icon displayed when dragging a folder or a musical file).

/!\ Experts only /!\ kids don't try this at home...

I also implemented the MBR Backup / Restore features on the physical disks, it can be useful if you try to make your I-Bead bootable.


Update: DriveSort final version

The DriveSort project is now over with this last version (1.210) unless bugs are found in it, or features appear to be required. This version has been slightly improved in its graphical aspects (icons, splitter bars, and some other little things like that) and seems stable enough.


New Software: Oracle2BNF

I have added the program I developped during my ERASMUS exchange with the UNN of Newcastle to the Misc section. It is an oracle documentation diagram converter producing BNF grammars.


Update: AnCrypt

Added Find and replace dialogs to the text editor, and a few visual improvements.